Friday, May 28, 2010

An invitation

So day 2 of my Web 2.0 learning experience and I would like to extend an invitation to my fellow students to join me on this journey.  As many of us are external and/or part-time, we don't really get to spend a lot of time together.  Even with discussion boards available to us, our posts tend to be answers to the review questions rather than discussions.  Which is why I enjoy and value those occasions when I can get together with fellow students for a coffee before (and sometimes after) class to bounce around ideas and sometimes just have a general moan.  Knowing I'm not the only one feeling overwhelmed or confused is comforting.

So come on in.  Post, comment, ask a question - any question.  I'll be cross-posting on this occasion with our uni discussion boards.

After all, if libraries, where we all hope to work eventually, are going to take advantage of Web 2.0 tools like blogs and wikis and tagging, we need to start using these tools.  Particularly as we need to start getting ready for Web 3.0, the semantic web.



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